lørdag 25. juni 2011

Manila & Boracay

Im finaly in Boracay! It is so pretty here! I went swimming in the blue water in the ocean, eat plenty of good food and got my feet spa-treated by tiny fishes. As long as the weather stays alright I think I will have some nice days in Boracay! Manila on the other hand, did npot have great weather. My sister left the flood in Norway, just in time to see anotherone in Manila. It was water everywere, and I have never experienced so much rain before. Sadly, we didnt get to see all we planed on seeing in Manila, but we did get to go shopping a lot! we even went to one of the worlds biggest shoppingmalls XDXD :D

onsdag 22. juni 2011

Gone with the wind

I had some awesome days in the rain in Jeju! Our wases turned out awesome, we learned never to trust Joannas direction-instinct in the maze, finaly bought a whole cake (and finished it, yummi!), went mountain-climbing (although Joanna and Lucie swore it was the worst idea they ever had), went to the lava-tubes (and took gost-pictures, took some awesome pictures in the middle of the road, hunted the Lama and got drunk-ish on Jeju-soju and played truth or dare (what is your favorit... snack?!!)
I had such a good time with you guys! Team-blue, lets redo it one day!! Europe next time pershaps?! :)

yesterday I meet my sister and then we spent the day in Hongdae saying goodbye to Joanna. and eat some more cake. and tried our ploroid-camera. Joanna, I had sp much fun with you this semester, I will miss you and all our crazyness!

Right now I am in Manila. It was raining a lot today, but I am still hoping for better weather tomorrow! I will stay in the philippines til the 29th, then I will go back to Seoul. Then I will stay there till the 6th, so I hope all the people who are still in Seoul have time to meet up that week! But first Im going to enjoy some vacation here :)

(I will update with some pictures later!)

lørdag 18. juni 2011


I går leverte jeg de siste oppgavene og flytta ut fra dorms. Jeg har nå offisielt sommerferie og er ferdig på SNU *snufs* Jeg har hatt et helt supert semester, lært enormt masse og opplevd enda mer. Møtte fantastiske mennesker, festa, shoppa, spist og kost meg. Gjort oppgaver til klokka fem om natta, prøvd sogeting og spist nok blekksprut til at jeg nå syns blekksprut er kjedelig!

but, however, my stay in Korea is luckily not over yet! Yesterday we left the Seoul to go to Jeju, Koreas Hawaii. Yesterday we eat the famous black samgypsa! Today we walked around and looked at the island. So annoying to see people freedive without beeing able to freedive myself though!

Highlight of the day:
- The waterfall
- The lama, and the hunt for the Lama-farm
- The lunch, which was plenty of seafood. Still moving when we got it, but we boiled it so by the time it was ready to be eaten it was pretty much dead
- the movies - Super 8. And somehow I ended up beeing so scared that I actually screamed. the movie wasnt even scarry!
- Cameroo and other intern jokes that probably noone else would find funny!
- wase-making. I made a wase!! fun fun! Get to pick it up tomorrow!

Im staying in Jeju untill the 21th, then I have one night in Seoul. Then I go to the Phillippines with Anette, and stay there untill the 27th. then I stay in Seoul till the 6th of july with my family. then I leave Korea (buhhu) and go to Beijing. then, on the 13th Im going back to Norway!

onsdag 15. juni 2011

What I dont like about Korea

On monday I had my last lecture at SNU. On friday I move out of the doorms. The months here have gone by incredible fast and I had such a wonderull time that I really dont want my exchange to be over yet. To cheer myself up a bit I mad a list of things Im not going to miss about Korea:

How you suddently get way to drunk without realising it and then you get the worst hangovers ever, just because of Soju. I will without dubt not miss the hangovers from Soju!! (but I will probably miss the price of Soju!)

It is impossible to find a garbagecan anywhere. if you have something you need to throw away you probably have to carry it untill you might get lucky and find a pile of trash next to a tree.

The cars really try to run you over. I still havent figured out the point of having the white stripes on the ground.... The cars still try to run you over when you cross the road there.

they have solid soap in the public bathrooms. it is just disgusting and I dont understand why anyone could think thats an better idea than "normal" soap.

the overcrowded subways. It is incredible how many people you can get into the subway, and then standing there not beeing able to move. not that much fun. But I think I will miss the subway though :/

Not beeing able to find anything wholegrain and helthy. The only bread they have here is either white bread or a bit darker bread, with tons of sugar!

In general, Korean girls doesnt do sports. And they dont lift weights. The ideal goal for a girl here is to be superskinny and Korea is the country in the world where most people do plastic surgery. It is normal to see posters like this all around. My fav is the one with a smal engagement ring and the text: before. and a big engagement ring with the text: after.

the truth is. I will miss Korea a lot. Nice people, awesome city and a really cool culture. The great weather the last few days doesnt hurt either!

søndag 5. juni 2011

Nike women's Race Seoul

Oppdatering: Min offisielle tid ble 40.10 og jeg ble nr 99 ut av 6000 og er i grunn ganske fornøyd med det. Synd jeg ikke kan komme tilbake å løpe omigjen neste år, for det hadde vært gøy å hatt å forbedre det som mål!

for the first time ever have I participated in a race. It was just 7K, which isnt really all that far, but im still proud for actually signing up for a race and doing it. I never thought I would run any race since I kind of hate running :p

I meet up next to the world cup stadium in Seoul in my bright orange t-shirt at 5.30 yesterday. All the information I had was in Korean, so I didnt even know when the race was suposed to start. At 6 we had a warm-up together then the race started at 6.35 for my group. We run around a park and it was a really nice area for running. I didnt really have a goal for how fast I wanted to run, but there was this other blond girl running in front of me, and, since Im kind of a tiny bit compeditiv, I decided that this other blond girl wasnt going to beat me. It totaly worked, I keept up with her for the first 5km, then she slowed down and I continued running, so I TOTALY beat her! Then when we finished we got a cute necklace and some food, took some pictures and changed. I dont know my official time yet, and I dont know where to find out, but I think I ran it around 40 min, which Im pleased with! :)
and then they had like a after-party with Korean singers

Kim Tae-woo
and a hip-hop performance by Tiger jk - Yoon Mi-rae.

fredag 3. juni 2011

Juni? What?!

Nå er jeg akkuratt på vei ut døra for å ordne meg, spise på indisk restaurant og så er det avsluttningsfest fro Buddy-programmet. I tillegg var det siste basketball-trening i dag. Utrolig. Hva skjedde med all tiden? Jeg skjønner virkelig ikke at jeg har vært her i flere måneder alt. Det tyder vel bare pat jeg har hatt det helt fantastisk her, og det kan jeg jo si meg enig i. Jeg har opplevd så utrolig mye, og jeg har falt helt for Korea. Akkuratt nå vil jeg påstå at dette er favorittstedet mitt i hele verden! Og jeg har alt bestemt meg for at jeg mp tilbake en eller annen gang :)
Den uka her har vært en travel uke. PÅ mandag hadde vi gruppepresentasjon i american foreign policy. Det gikk helt greit, men foreleseren er skummel!! Neste mandag har vi fri, men mandagen etter det så har vi 24timers hjemmeeksamen :S. På tirsdag hadde jeg eksamenspresentasjon - "North Korea in Norwegian news". gikk helt greit det også, rimlig sikker på å få bestått i Seminar in North Korea i hvertfall :) På tirsdags kveld var det basketballturnering. Og mitt lag vant! yay!! Jeg var den høyeste jenta der, og uten tvil den mest engasjerte. og antagligvis den som løp mest, men gøy var det uansett. Jeg ble ikke offisiellt MVP, men når vi dro ut for å drikke etterpå så fortalte trenern at jeg egentlig var MVP og måtte derfor styrte en drink ekstra. Gøy å faktisk være blandt de beste i en sport for en gangs skyld!! :) resten av kvelden drakk vi og hadde drikkeleker og dro på Norebang. En kjempe gøy kveld, faktisk den første kvelden ute her hvor jeg har vært ute med bare Koreanere. Store deler av samtalene foregikk på Koreansk, så jeg skjønte ikke så mye, men jeg syns Koreansk er et kult språk, så det går greit å bare høre på også!

Ha en fin helg! Det har jeg planer om, den siste tiden her skal nytes så mye som mulig!!