søndag 20. mars 2011

SNU in pictures

Bloggen min har på mirakuløst vist kommet tilbake etter i går, heldigvis! Så her er noen bilder fra SNU og Seoul!

My livingroom! I share a flat with 5 other nice girls, all koreans! But I wish we had more than just one bathroom...

My bedroom! shared with one other girl, a nice Korean from Jeju-island! Og som dere sikkert ser, så har veggene mine plass til ganske mange flere postkort *hint, Hint*

Some of what i have to read for this semester. around 500 pages each week! And here I actually have to read everything,not just what I think is most important! and also you can see my new cellphone!

It is still common to eat sitting on the floor here. It hurts my legs, but they usually have floor-heating which is nice! and every meal is served with plenty of awesome sidedishes, Kimchi among others!!!

If you thought I live in the middle of a big city.... you were wrong... I live next to the mountains!! My school is on a montain. Not made for walking in high heels, but they have a free shuttlebuss in case you dont feel like walking to your classes!

My doorm, 919! and, you can see, trhough the yellow dust from China, the houses in the city all the way down to the left!

Tora and Max waiting for the bus to go sightsign!!!

the subway! Going almost everywhere, cheap and easy!

I better get back to studying, specially since I didnt really do any studying the last three day! Hope you enjoyed the pictures! :)

6 kommentarer:

  1. Så utrolig gøy å lese bloggen din, Kristin! Føles som jeg er der selv:)

  2. takk :) kjempekoselig å høre :)

  3. haha, 500 sida e jo omtrent halvparten av det æ ska læs, gjennom heile semesteret! Enjoy sei æ bære;)!

  4. Tusen takk for medfølelsen, den hjelper veldig på når jeg sitter her å leser klokka 11 på en søndagskveld!!! :p

  5. Skoill bare mangel! Kan jo gni det litt inn å da: om dryge to uka har æ sommerferie! Enn du? Langt semester?

  6. sommerferie om to uker? :O:O:O
    Jeg har superkort semester, siden vi nettopp begynte! er ferdig med siste innlevering 17. juni!
